i got my car for awhile now but i have no idea when do i need to change my timing belt. i asked my friends but they said that the mileage for a V6 engine is different and i'm too busy to go to the dealer to ask. so if anyone know the mileage for changing the timing belt for my '98 V6 honda accord coupe please let me know. thanks.
When is the time for me to go change the timing belt of my '98 v6 honda accord coupe?
about 100,000 miles, and it wont hurt to do it sooner because when a hoda throws a timing belt, you WILL need a new engine...... unlike what the guy on the top said..... you don't have to take it to a dealer..... depending on where you live you might only pay about 200.00. because that is all i charge to do it.
When is the time for me to go change the timing belt of my '98 v6 honda accord coupe?
The timing belt is due to be changed at 105,000 miles. This is your biggest service to have done. Look to spend anywhere from $600-$1000 from a local dealer.
You should change it out by 100,00 miles. It's far cheaper to replace it, even if you aren't near 100,000. If it goes when you are driving, you'll need a new motor, and that is costly.
I was told after 60,000 miles