Tuesday, October 25, 2011

When should I change the timing belt in my 04 dodge sx 2.0?

My car just hit 100k, and I'm wondering when I should be changing the timing belt. Should I be getting the water pump changed as well?
When should I change the timing belt in my 04 dodge sx 2.0?
100K sounds like its about time to change your timing belt. It's best to buy an owner's manual for any car you own, it also tells you what other maintenance needs to be done and when you need to do it. With most vehicles, the timing belt is behind the water pump and needs to be replaced as well, typically you would have the water pump and timing belt changed at the same time.
When should I change the timing belt in my 04 dodge sx 2.0?
yes to both 80,000 is a good time, radiator reverse flushed as well,
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