Thursday, October 6, 2011

How often do you need to change a timing belt for a 2001 mitsubishi galant?

what are the signs when it is time to change the timing belt?
How often do you need to change a timing belt for a 2001 mitsubishi galant?
I had an original one changed at 80,000 miles. There are no signs. I would not exceed 80,000 miles for the original belt. It's not worth taking the risk. The manufacturer's recommended interval is 60,000 miles.
How often do you need to change a timing belt for a 2001 mitsubishi galant?
there are no signs it just breaks and leaves a big dent in your checking account ...... i think that one is every 90k or 5 years
every 60,000 miles
60,000 Miles Maximum
100000miles there is no signs for this
Check your owners manual, but most need to be done @ 60K. It's best to have this done by the dealer. Any failure, or amateur error will kill your engine. Also verify depending on which engine your Galant has that it's not chain driven.
I think it's every 60,000 miles. That's when I changed mine.
Mits's are Valve Kissers

Change every 60.000 mile per maint book.
hola macho lee el manual del auto, ahi te dira a que millaje exacto nececitas cambiar la correa de tiempo

translation reed the manual of the car, there it says how miles need to be replace it