Friday, June 3, 2011
Honda service tool when changing timing belt ?
? engine type F20Z1 2 litre accord is there a hexagon tool that goes into the recess on the bottom pulley. that will prevent the crankshaft turning,whilst undoing the bolt that holds the bottom pulley in place.Or is there another way to lock up the engine, with automatic transmission. |||Honda use a tool that locks the flywheel,It goes in, in place of the stater motor.The crank shaft pulley bolt is really tight on all Hondas!Hope this helps|||With the starter motor off you can usually devise something in a tool kit to lock the fly wheel in place.One thing I%26#039;m not sure about is on the honda engines rover used to fit,the bolt on the pulley was clockwise thread to remove,thought it might be worth a mention gl|||not sure about the honda engine but have had good luck tightening the accessory belt against the pulley so that the crankshaft pulley will not turn, i use a pry bar for this, this works on the older cars just might work for you